

Sam Shaky #arcticamericana www.samshaky.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/ed.longhorn


Helsinki, 13

For the new upcoming Sam Shaky music video we used a 1978 Musicman 212-65 Vintage Electric Guitar Amplifier Combo Sixty Five music_man and a AVION7 Greg Bennett by Samick #musicman #guitaramps #guitargear #vintage #solidstate #tubeamp #fender #walker #eduardhereg #samshaky #musicvideo #tooproud #unconditionallove
Put my hands on this amazing new toy from @sourceaudio Thank you for your great devices! 🙏🏼 @customsoundsfinland Can’t wait to get in the studio and try it out. 😊 #sourceaudio #effects #eq #pedal #guitargear #guitarist #samshaky #newtoy