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One-liners are short gear reviews by the RigShare community.
Write the first one-liner about the API Audio API Vision Console
Historic API 3288 Classic Console #2229 (Vintage)
Q-Tip owned API 32 channel/ 22 monitor console w/ pedigree
API 1608 32-Channel Moving Fader Automation
32 channels of automated moving faders for API 1608 console
API 1608 16-Channel Expander - Loaded - with Automation
16-Channel 1608 expander with fader automation
API 1608 16-Channel Console - Loaded - with Automation
Loaded 16-channel console base unit with fader automation
API Legacy Consoles
Classic custom consoles
API 1608 16-Channel Expander - Unloaded
Unloaded 16-channel expander for API 1608
API 1608 16-Channel Expander - Unloaded - with Automation
16-channel expander unloaded with fader automation
API 1608 Expander Moving Fader Automation
16 channels of automated moving faders for API 1608 expander
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