Announcing RigShare!
Thiery Laverdure | July 23, 2018
Hello friends!
Today we are very happy to announce the official launching of RigShare! We are an early-stage company building an interactive web/mobile app that will allow musicians to share their gear and connect with other musicians, artists & brands they love.

RigShare is a niche social network created for musicians. It’s an online community where all things gear related can be shared and discussed. Users on our app can add music gear they own to their rig, ask questions and rate products, and follow friends. While we are launching the web portion of our app today, we will be launching the mobile app in weeks to come.

Our team is still working on curating our gear database, so if you don’t find the gear you are looking for, just send us a suggestion, and we’ll get it added quickly. Over the next few weeks, we’ll also be launching a long list of new features that will allow you to better connect with other musicians and to share your gear in some pretty unique ways. All new features and product announcements will be posted here on our blog.
What are you waiting for? Create an account today!
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at