What’s the most popular gear on RigShare?
Thiery Laverdure | February 14, 2022
Here’s a pro-tip for you if you want to connect with other musicians on RigShare – add your gear to your profile! Yep, that’s it! Easy enough right? Once you start adding gear to your collection, we’ll start displaying follow suggestions of other users that have similar taste in music gear. In addition, if you head over to a product page, you can view all the users on RigShare that have added that same product to their collection.

This is a great way to connect with other users. You can browse their rigs, comment on their posts, and even give them a follow. We took a look at some of the most popular gear on RigShare based on the amount of times each item has been saved. Here is what we found:
1. Strymon BigSky
One of the long-standing favorites of the RigShare Community, the Strymon BigSky has become a go-to reverb guitar pedal for many musicians. It’s very versatile in the range of reverb sounds it produces and has excellent build and sound quality.
What the community is saying:
Cloud setting is my go to on this pedal.
A three dimensional journey into the world of reverb. Love it.
Big sound, or small. It’s got you covered for interesting verb.
Learn more about the Strymon BigSky:
2. Strymon Timeline
I think it is safe to say that many musicians that favor the Strymon BigSky are pairing it with another favorite amongst the community, the Strymon Timeline. Another big-box pedal from Strymon that offers a wide range of guitar effects, specifically in the delay category.
What the community is saying:
The Big Box Delay. Pretty much a staple at this point. 10/10
A State-of-the-Art delay pedal! It’s simply the “King” of Delay
Everything is good
Learn more about the Strymon Timeline:
3. Ernie Ball VP JR. Passive Volume Pedal
This is a classic amongst volume pedals and widely used by many in our community. Some users have reported issues with the string that pulls the volume potentiometer, but Ernie Ball has been shipping upgrades on newer models with kevlar strings.
What the community is saying:
Works well. Just crossing my fingers till the string snaps…
Learn more about the Ernie Ball VP JR.
4. BOSS TU-3 Chromatic Tuner
Another classic pedal that is widely used because of its price, tuning accuracy, and easy layout. This pedal also comes with a built in buffer that will help boost your guitar signal when using long cable runs.
What the community is saying:
Robust tuner with easy use.
It’s all about tune and buff!
everyone needs a tuner
Learn more about the Boss TU-3:
5. TC Electronic Ditto Looper
Don’t know what to do with that extra space on your pedalboard? You should consider adding a looper at the end of your chain for practice and performances. The Ditto looper is a great looper pedal that comes in a tiny package with all the features you need for simple looping.
What the community is saying:
Small and indispensable practice/jamming tool
Perfect looper pedal with no frills or fuss and a tiny footprint
What do you need to know? The perfect mini looper.
Lear more about the TC Electronic Ditto Looper:
We are really excited to see what gear trends rise up in 2022. We’ll be sure to share a follow up post later on in the year. Are you using one of these awesome products? Let us know what you think in the comments below!