American DJ
American DJ

Vizi Bsw 300 Light

American DJ Vizi Bsw 300 Light on RigShare
The Vizi BSW 300 uses a specially designed 300W LED engine that offers massive output for most large venues and event productions. It is a great hybrid utility fixture as it acts as a beam, spot and wash all in one fixture. What’s more, is it comes in a smaller footprint than most other movers in its class. The Vizi BSW 300 offers motorized focus, two 6-facet rotating prisms (one linear & one circular), 2 separate color wheels, 2 GOBO wheels (1 wheel fixed metal & one wheel rotating/replaceable GOBOs). There is a LCD function display on the front panel, with the rear panel offering powerCON In/Out and 3-pin & 5-pin DMX connections.



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This is a pro level light that can give some amazing light.
· jameslaverdure· 6y ago

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