Not quite what I wanted my Promark sticks to do whilst performing 'Beast and the Harlot' - Avenged Sevenfold 😂😱 (still managed to finish the performance though!) 😂 Any fellow drummers recommend any stick makes? Would appreciate it very much 😁 (I do prefer hickory wood if possible) Ft. My @ludwigdrumshq drums & awesome shirts 😂
  • James Laverdure
    These sticks look like they've been through it. 😄I used to play with promarks and I liked them. Although, over the years, I've gravitated towards @vicfirth. They have been pretty reliable to me. I guess all in all, it really does come down to the way you play, what music you're playing, and how long the sticks have been used.
    about 6 years ago · Reply · Like
  • Levi McCool Strauss
    I haven't drummed in years but I still have sticks as it was the first thing I learnt how to play I have big dog drum stuff 5A Hickory the feel nice in your hands and glide smoothly.
    over 5 years ago · Reply · Like