Joyo Pedals
Joyo Pedals

JF-324 Gate of Kahn



Joyo Pedals JF-324 Gate of Kahn on RigShare
The GATE OF KAHN is a noise gate that utilizes VCA technology. A new approach to gating results in a very quick response time. It responds very subtly to low input signals and therefore let’s your notes ring out naturally without cutting them off. Your original guitar sound gets preserved and the gate has very little influence on the actual sound. It acts as an invisible tool in the background that just cuts out the noise in between the notes without you even noticing that there ever was noise to begin with. The true Bypass makes sure the pedal becomes audibly invisible even when it is turned off.



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1 knob simplicity, TINY, and cost effective. What's not to love?
· reverbabuser· 6y ago

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